Sunday, January 17, 2010

2010/01 - 愛上你 我就變成了春天 (前)

< 一月 >
* 越想忘記的事越辦不到

* 天際的那一邊 是海

* 你愛上的她是屬於哪個季節

* 也許結局是藍天

* Why no one to love

* 進可進, 退可退, 實實在在, 自由自在 (蔡國強)

* God bless your soul

* 當時間久了, 會變勇敢的


Unknown said...

i love your collections of quots.
can i steal some???? hey hey...

Fiends Angelical said...

Surely you can. I owe too many drafts that I don't have time to finish... haha